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I think this book is very important because you might fail and muck up but you will never be perfect and maybe, just maybe, the world has been waiting for someone just like you.
This book was kind. The book tells you about all the things you can do in life, and it’s okay to make a mistake.
This Book is not only visually beautiful but also is a beautiful inspirational story that all children and adults should read
amazing real life story
The most beautiful children’s book. It should be mandatory that every child reads it! Beautiful messages of positivity, hope and encouragement. The illustrations are absolutely stunning.
This is an awesome book ... I loved it
This book was about Felix at the end of the war still hiding and running from a man called Zliv. They go back to where Gabriek's house is and everyone in the Village hates Gabriek for keeping Felix, who is a Jew, during the War. A Man and a Lady save them and take them to an Australian Army Airforce base in Poland. The man gets shot in the leg and Felix, Anya and Gabriek save his life. It was mainly Felix because of his experience in medical conditions. He learnt his medical skills from the Pastians (a group of people who were fighting against Germany). Ken, an Australian Air Force member says that he wants to take Felix back to Australia. He flies on the RAAF Bomber plane back to Australia and Anya, who is pregnant at the time, secretly sneaks onto the plane. The plane crash lands and Felix and Anya survive. They are separated and taken to different boarding houses. Felix escapes with his escape buddy Tyrone Gosling. They both go with newspaper Journalist Neal Fishbone, to get Anya. They get her and then are on their way to Melbourne. Anya has her baby and calls it Ruby. They then go back towards Melbourne on the train and when they get there they meet Celestes mum who moved to Australia before WW2. They are trying to get Celeste back into contact with her mum so that she can come over to Australia with Garbriek.
I really like this book and this is the 6th book in this series that I have read. The other books in this series are about the same character Felix who is trying to escape WW2. I have enjoyed reading this series of books because it gave me a sudden interest in WW2 and what it was like to go through. I would like to do further research the topic of WW2. Show more Show less
I really like this book and this is the 6th book in this series that I have read. The other books in this series are about the same character Felix who is trying to escape WW2. I have enjoyed reading this series of books because it gave me a sudden interest in WW2 and what it was like to go through. I would like to do further research the topic of WW2. Show more Show less