WeirDo 8
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Weirdo 8 was a really entertaining Brooke and a really funny ?
I WAS A GOOD GOGO BOOK!111!!!!!!!!!!
I think this book was good because it had a barn dancing and it had different things you do at the farm like feed the pigs , get the eggs from the chicken coop and milking cows.
They did a garage sale to earn money to see there grandma they haven’t seen in ages. They earned enough and there grandma came! At the school was a barn dance and weir invites his grandma to come.
This was a good book. I really enjoyed reading it
Very funny because they have to do a barn dance. He gets his Grandma over & they do a Grandparent Fete. Then there is a food storm.
Before school Hans some was showing off some of his best dance moves.
It turns out he's really great break-dancer.